Embark on an awe-inspiring, thrilling, and sometimes humorous journey with climbers Marek Holeček and Matěj Bernát in this short documentary film.
Witness the joys and sorrows they face during their expedition as they attempt to climb the formidable northwest face of Sura Peak, a mountain in Nepal that was little-known until then.
Rok výroby / Year of Production: 2024
Stopáž / Runtime:
27:29 min
Technologie / Technology: živá akce - dokumentární film / live action - documentary feature
Scénář / Written by: Tomáš Galásek
Kamera / Director of Photography: Marek Holeček, Matěj Bernát, Tomáš Galásek
Střih / Edited by: Tomáš Galásek, Lukáš Šereš
Zvuk / Sound Design: Jiří Hloušek
Účinkují / Cast: Marek Holeček, Matěj Bernát
Produkce / Production: Marek Holeček, Tomáš Galásek
Režie / Directed by: Tomáš Galásek
#mountaineering #nepal #surapeak #alpinestyle #climbing