Finding Good in Our Own Limitations | Caledonia Curry | TEDxPittsburghWomen
Groundbreaking street artist Caledonia Curry, also referred to as Swoon, recounts the idea behind the Braddock Tiles project - using art to rebuild both a landmark and community ties to their own artistic expression. Curry's talk also touches on personal reflection and past trauma while arriving at the conclusion of grappling with the question of: what happens when an idea needs to be passed on? Widely known as the first woman to gain large-scale recognition in the male-dominated world of street art. Today, her art can be found on the sides of buildings worldwide, as well as at more traditional locales such as: The MoMA The Museum of Modern Art, Institute of Contemporary Art Boston, Tate Modern Museum, and Sao Paulo Museum of Art. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at