Ферула (Ferula)
(Lesson Twelve)
Rusky Ed here and this lesson will focus on a group of plants in the Carrot Family. More on this remarkable family following the intro song, but in the meantime, be sure to look over the vocabulary words for this lesson!
The Carrot Family or Семья моркови in Russian includes plants such as celery, dill, fennel, parsnips, caraway, cilantro, and hemlock, to name just a few. Plants in this family are characterized by taproots, hollow stems, and flower clusters which are shaped sort of like an umbrella. In this lesson we will focus on a genus known as Ферула. Five members of this genus are listed in the Красная Книга.
First up we have ферула евгения (Ferula eugenii) and….
Всё растение с чесночным запахом.
Всё растение пахнет чесноком.
(The entire plant smells like garlic.)
Next we have ферула гигантская (Ferula gigantea) and….
As its name suggests:
Ферула гигантская - высокорослое растение.
(Ferula gigantea is a tall plant.)
In fact, it can reach a height of two meters.
The third plant on the list is ферула камнелюбивая (Ferula lithophilia) and….
As with other members of the Carrot Family, this plant has complex umbels or сложные зонтики in Russian.
Moving on to the fourth plant we have ферула сумбул (Ferula sumbul) and….
Это растение также известно как мускусный корень.
(This plant is also known by the common name musk root.)
And finally the last plant on the list is ферула туркменская (Ferula turcomanica) and….
As with other members of this plant family:
Соцветие этого растения напоминает навес.
(The inflorescence of this plant resembles a canopy.)
And now for a quick little joke:
Что невидимо и пахнет морковью?
(What’s invisible and smells like carrots?)
And the answer is:
Кролик пукает. (Rabbit farts.)
While we’re on the topic of farts it should be mentioned that verbs which mean to fart include:
пердеть, бздеть, пукать, and пукнуть.
A couple nouns which mean fart include пердёж and пук.
Also метеоризм is a general term which means flatulence.
And on that rather brown note we should end this lesson, but first a quick explanation for those unfamiliar with the so-called brown note:
Коричневая нота — это неслышная частота, из-за которой люди теряют контроль над своим кишечником.
(The brown note is an inaudible frequency which causes humans to lose control of their bowels.)
There’s a South Park episode featuring the topic for those who wish to learn more….
Otherwise, it is now time for this lesson to come to its conclusion! RuskyED signing off now….
морковь (carrot)
пахнуть (to smell)
сложный (complex)
корень (root)
напоминать (to resemble)
навес (canopy)
невидимый (invisible)
метеоризм (flatulence)
неслышный (inaudible)
частота (frequency)
терять (to lose)
кишечник (intestines)
BTW бздеть in conversation usually means to be frightened or to be afraid
Ты чё бздишь?
Are you afraid?
Не бзди, прорвёмся!
“Don’t worry, everything will be fine.”
Кто набздел? (Who farted?)
pages 39-42
sticks, splints, for stirring boiling liquids, and for corporal punishment.
Зонтичные (Umbellíferae)
rarely: Canopyaceae
Главное не бздеть!
(The main thing is not to fart!
The main thing is not to be afraid!)