How to get all the best stuff as early as possible!
Scrap Everything!
-Red Rocket
-Starlight Drive in
2:35 Sanctuary
-Dupe Junk
-Build Factory & Base
-Matts and Caltrops to lvl 16
14:39 Concord
-Get the Gang
-T45 Armor
17:44 Ironworks
-Statues Book
19:18 Sanctuary
-Statue Grind
20:22 Unamed Location
21:35 Unamed Location
-Manwell Rifle Set
-Power Armor Set
23:54 Unamed Location
-Sentinel Control System Companion
-Power Armor set
26:42 Cambridge Police Station
-Riotous Authority
-Join Brotherhood
30:00 Cambridge Crator
-Quake Thunderbolt
31:18 Bunker Hill
-Make 1000 Caps
32:14 Caps Grind
33:50 Good Neighbor
-Devastator's Right Greave
-Destroyer's Chest
-Destoyer's Left Leg
-Vault Tech Rep
36:17 Automatron
40:22 Vault 81
-Overseers Guardian
-Destroyer's Right Leg
-Overseer's Left Armguard
-Overseer's Right Armguard
42:11 Dimond City
-Big Boy
44:28 Nuka World
-Overboss Power Armor
-Quantum Power Armor
48:21 Fort Hagen Satellite Array
-Tesla Rifle
-T60 Power Armor Set
-Salvaged Assaultron Head
51:20 Mega Base Build