existing only to exist
The daily toil; we exist and move forwards, never escaping the same fate we all share. Is there something which makes life worthwhile? Or do we succumb to the absurd?
Many have asked about the meaning of life, a reason for being, purpose, or other similar concepts. Some ideas, like existentialism, embrace the random nature of the universe and say there is no meaning of life on a greater scale, but we instead make one ourselves; existence precedes essence. However, absurdism takes this a step further, rejecting found purposes all together, instead claiming a revolt against the absurd is the only option. We must not turn away from the daily toil, from our inescapable fate, or the meaninglessness which surrounds us. We must fight it.
Today, we'll be exploring this feeling through example within some of the best anime to watch. Whether it's Asuka and Shinji's depression in Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE or Eva), Revy's static Roanapur life in Black Lagoon, Spike and Faye drifting though space in Cowboy Bebop, the existentialism of Naoto in FLCL, and particularly of Nagara in Sonny Boy, or even challenging God in Vinland Saga like Canute, each one provides some insight into our question; is life worth living? What becomes of those who have no purpose, those who accomplish their reason for being, and those who have the meaning of life stollen away? Is purpose even something to strive for, or do we simply rebel against the Absurd? Taking from the Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus, we reach one possible conclusion; the only answer is constant revolt. We must become an absurd hero, like Sisyphus. Which of our characters are so? Shinji from Evangelion? Spike from Cowboy Bebop? Canute from Vinland Saga? Let's find out...
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