Excel Magic Trick 1347: Power Query Function: Split Master Table into Sub Tables for Each Product

Excel Magic Trick 1347: Power Query Function: Split Master Table into Sub Tables for Each Product

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Excel Magic Trick 1347: Power Query Function: Split Master Table into Sub Tables for Each Product
Download Files: Start File: https://excelisfun.net/files/EMT1347Start.xlsx Finish File: https://excelisfun.net/files/EMT1349Finished.xlsm See how to create a Power Query (Get & Transform) Custom Function with a parameter in order to create five Sub Tables, one for each product, each on a new sheet, from a Master Table: 1. (00:17) Introduction. See finished Power Query Function to Extract Records to A Sheet Based on Criteria / Condition / Parameter. 2. (02:23) Import Excel Master Table into Query Editor. 3. (03:19) Filter Records and Add Custom Column to Calculate Revenue. See the Function Number.Round. 4. (07:10) Look at M Code and learn about some of the conventions for M Code. 5. (09:57) Load Query to Sheet to Test where the M Code works. 6. (10:29) Build Power Query Custom Function. Create Parameter / Input Variable / Changeable Criteria in M Code. 7. (12:58) Invoke Function to Create Sub Tables 8. (14:32) Test whether the sub tables 9. (15:57) Learn how to edit the Parameterized Custom Function so that all five invoked functions and the five Sub Tables update perfectly! Learn how to use the Table.RemoveColumns function. 10. (20:36) Summary Power Query (Get & Transform) Custom Function Power Query (Get & Transform) Code with an Input Variable Power Query (Get & Transform) with Input Criteria Power Query (Get & Transform) Parameterized Custom Function Build Re-Usable M Code in Power Query (Get & Transform) Create Power Query (Get & Transform) Function