Wendell Cherry is an icon in the sport of Sporting Clays and FITASC. We asked questions and dove deep with Wendell to get his take on several different topics. Everything from his shooting and how it has involved, to his students, different aspects and the temperature of the sport right now. He even elaborates on coaching Ashley Little and her recent world title.
We believe everyone will get something from this episode as the interview was not only informative, but entertaining as well.
- Wendell Cherry - Phone -931-529-1802 https://www.wendellcherry.com
- Woolley Shooting Inc -https://www.woolleyshooting.com
- Folded Wing Apparel - https://foldedwingapparel.com
- OtoPro Hearing Service- https://otoprotechnologies.com
- Rhino Chokes - https://rhinochokes.com
- RE Ranger- https://www.reranger.com
- BAREPELT- https://barepelt.com
- GAMEBORE US- https://www.gameboreus.com
- ATLAS TRAPS- https://www.atlastraps.com
- NEGRINI CASES- https://negrinicases.com/the-dead-pair/
- White Flyer Targets - https://whiteflyer.com
- Chad Roberts-email-
[email protected]