Emotional Fluency: The Language Black Boys aren't Taught | Nate Evans Jr. | TEDxWhiting
Nate Evans Jr. discusses an issue within black communities that persists due to the lack of mental health awareness. Nathan Evans Jr. is a First-Generation High School & First-Generation College graduate. He creates experiences for apprehensive students to feel worthy when they are waging a war in their mind. Nate is a #1 best-selling author, a highly requested speaker, mindset coach and podcast host. He also is a youth mentor and educational consultant. He lives by the quote, "CHANGE WHAT WE NORMALIZE™” which was inspired by his mission to eradicate the stigmas around mental health amongst Gen-Z. This passion was birthed by his own battles with mental health issues as a teen and young adult due to childhood trauma in which he overcame. With this motivation, he has developed workshops for high schools, colleges and non-profits based around mental health, emotional wellness and resilience. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx