Eöl the Dark Elf | Tolkien Explained
Covering the life of Eöl the dark elf - his forging of the great black blades of the First Age, his marriage to Aredhel, his son Maeglin, and his self-wrought doom in Gondolin!
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To purchase artist work, check out these amazing artists!
Tulikoura - https://www.deviantart.com/tulikoura
Matthew Stewart - http://www.matthew-stewart.com/
BellaBergolts - https://www.deviantart.com/bellabergolts
Magdalena Katanska - https://www.artstation.com/magdalenakatanska/prints https://www.instagram.com/qualiney
Jerry Vanderstelt - https://store.vandersteltstudio.com/main.sc
Anna Podedworna - https://www.artstation.com/akreon
Jenny Dolfen - goldseven.wordpress.com/
Turner Mohan - www.instagram.com/turner_mohan
Ted Nasmith - www.tednasmith.com/shop/
Anke Eissmann - http://anke.edoras-art.de/anke_illustration.html
Aronja Art - https://www.instagram.com/aronjaart/
Ivan Cavini - https://www.instagram.com/ivan_cavini/
Sara Morello - https://www.artstation.com/saramorello
Matěj Čadil - https://www.etsy.com/people/matejcadil
Tulikoura - https://www.deviantart.com/tulikoura
Aegeri - https://www.deviantart.com/aegeri
Noe Leyva - https://twitter.com/NoeLeyvArt
Clemence Morisseau - https://www.artstation.com/kahirie
Edvige Faini - www.edvigefaini.com , www.facebook.com/edvige.faini , www.instagram.com/edvige_faini
2016-silm-eol – Soni Bohemian Weasel
The_Reforging_of_Anglachel – Alan Lee
TurinAndAnglachel – Jenny Dolfen
Eol_is_Led_to_the_Walls - Ted Nasmith
Eols departure - Catherine Karina Chmiel
Two Trees of Valinor - YidanYuan
Thingol - Marya_Filatova
sindar_elf - turnermohan
the_might__of_morgoth - dracarysdrekkar
making_the_girdle_of_melian - steamey
The_Forest_of_Fangorn – Alan Lee
The_Light_of_Valinor_on_the_Western_Sea - Ted Nasmith
Maeglin 2- Alystraea
children_of_the_noldor - turnermohan
Dark Elf - Matthew Stewart
deep_forest - aegeri
eol - kuliszu
Mirkwood - Elrodimus Flash
Fantasy forest - Felix Englund
By-Moonlight-in-Neldoreth-Forest - Ted Nasmith
The_Petty-dwarves_(sketch) – Alan Lee
Dwarven entrance - Felix Englund
Dwarf at the forge - andrea-piparo
Curufin - bellabergolts
The_Reforging_of_Anglachel – Alan Lee
Beleg Receives Anglachel - Pete Amachree
maeglin_lomion_and_the_black_sword___evil_in_arda - samo_art
Melian - Jenny Dolfen
TurinAndAnglachel – Jenny Dolfen
elven_smith - tolmancotton
maeglin - anotherstranger_me
Aredhel - Catherine Karina Chmiel
aredhel_and_eol - kuliszu
aredhel_lost_in_nan_elmoth - samo_art
eol_and_aredhel - aegeri
Eol_Welcomes_Aredhel - Ted Nasmith
Aredhel and Eol - Matthew Stewart
farewell___maeglin_aredhel - samo_art
wp_aredhel - Jenny Dolfen
into_darkness___eol_s_family - samo_art
This_is_my_son_Maeglin - Catherine_Chmiel
Aredhel_the_White - Marya_Filatova
Gondolin concept by - dracarysdrekkar
Eols departure - Catherine Karina Chmiel
Curufin_the_Crafty - Marya_Filatova
Celegorm and Curufin in Nargothrond - Marya_Filatova
Gondolin - Alan_Lee
Turgon_Receives_Tuor_and_Voronwe - Ted Nasmith
turgon - alystraea-art
Maeglin_dancing_with_the_Sting - Catherine_Chmiel
Death of Aredhel – sara morello
the royal court of thingol - steamey
Eol on the wall – sara morello
Eol_is_Led_to_the_Walls – Ted Nasmith
tarnin_austa__gondolin - alystraea
morgoth and maeglin – anotherstranger me
Aredhel Escapes Nan Dungortheb – Peter Xavier Price
#silmarillion #darkelf #tolkien