🔗 *The full guide* : _https://core-electronics.com.au/guides/effective-ways-to-detect-people-using-common-sensors_
In this guide, we'll look at common methods of *detecting people,* some of the different *sensors* you can use to detect people in your next project, how they work, and when to use each one.
🔧🔨🧰 Hardware featured in this guide:
*PIR Sensor:*
*RCWL-0516 Microwave Radar:*
*SEN0395 mmWave Radar:*
*PiicoDev Ultrasonic Rangefinder:*
*PiicoDev Laser Distance Sensor:*
*Infrared Sensors:*
*Biometric Sensors:*
*Distance Sensors:*
💡❓ If you have any questions about this content or want to share a project you're working on head over to our *maker forum:* _http://coreelec.io/forum_
0:00 Intro
0:52 PIR Sensors
2:11 Radar Sensors
2:49 RCWL-0516 Microwave Sensor
3:23 SEN0395 mmWave Sensor
4:57 Distance Sensors
5:56 PiicoDev Ultrasonic Rangefinder
6:25 PiicoDev Laser Distance Sensor
7:05 Conclusion
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