Dynamic Carving in 3 days | How To Ski Progression For Carving
Is it possible to transform your skiing and make dynamic carved turns like the pros? I believe so and I’m going to show you how with this first step in a 6 part series. This video follows Ski coach Tom Gellie and student Emma who he had never met before and their process of transforming Emma’s Carved Ski turns. You will learn about the importance of feeling inclination at the top of your turns and feeling for your skis “cutting” into the snow to give you a platform. The 5 videos in the series that follow this can be found at BigPictureSkiing.com along with a full library of content designed to help change every aspect of your skiing. This is the goal. Give people all around the world access to quality “how to ski” content so they can improve their skiing anywhere, anytime and at their own pace. Many of the Big Picture Skiing members are finding that having a fresh perspective on how to ski and also a deep understanding of what is occurring in your body during a ski turn is making their ski goals come true. If you liked this video than I think you will enjoy the rest of the series and all the other content that grows every month.
If you liked this lesson and want to see the next 5 lessons with Emma on her way to achieving dynamic carving in 3 days, visit us at https://bigpictureskiing.com/programs/learntocarve?category_id=48284
Thanks for your time and please feel free to comment below if this video changed the way you think about your skiing!
Tom Gellie