Road trip in the Austrian Alps, scenic drive from Lienz to Iselsberg Pass, then through the towns of the Mölltal valley up to Heiligenblut am Grossglockner.
00:00 Lienz, Debant - towns
12:30 B 107 Grossglockner Road to Iselsberg Pass. Göriach, Obergöriach, Iselsberg town
22:35 Winklern town in Molltal valley
26:50 Towns of Mölltal - Lassach, Mörtschach, Sagritz, Großkirchheim Döllach, Rojach
41:20 Heiligenblut am Großglockner
45:10 Heiligenblut Winkl, return
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Driving in Austria 1: Grossglockner High Alpine Road
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