張藝謀監製 吳倩蓮 口碑爆棚超絕演出|龍城正月 (Dragon Town Story)|吳倩蓮|尤勇|林威|劉洵|MULTISUB|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01|1997|龍城戀歌

張藝謀監製 吳倩蓮 口碑爆棚超絕演出|龍城正月 (Dragon Town Story)|吳倩蓮|尤勇|林威|劉洵|MULTISUB|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01|1997|龍城戀歌

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張藝謀監製 吳倩蓮 口碑爆棚超絕演出|龍城正月 (Dragon Town Story)|吳倩蓮|尤勇|林威|劉洵|MULTISUB|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01|1997|龍城戀歌
【MULTISUB】龍城正月 (Dragon Town Story)|吳倩蓮(Jacklyn Wu)、尤勇(You Yong)、林威(Lam Wai)、劉洵(Lau Shun)、黃中秋(Huang Zhong Qiu)、高欣(Gao Xin)、嚴敏求(Yan Min Qiu)、張喜前(Zhang Xi Qian)、常汝言(Chang Ruyan)、劉小蓉(Liu Xiaorong):姜家上下為姜蘭娟的出嫁高興之時,一場慘變突然降臨,仇家派來的殺手喬裝成娶親的新姑爺,一瞬間姜家上下幾十口人被殺得片甲不留,只剩下姜蘭娟僥倖逃脫。九年後,娟化名趙春玉,查出真兇是具勢力的熊金鏢。為報血海深仇,娟情願以身相許,以換得名震江湖的殺手李青陽為她殺鏢。陽不為所動,娟絕望下,只好隻身赴關山鎮,冒死行刺鏢,反被鏢之手下所傷,危難之際,被陽出手相救,更願意為她殺鏢,並不收分文。另一方面鏢在追兇之時,擴充自己的兵力,更對自稱為"王掌櫃,王太太"的陽及娟起疑。鏢為查明陽及娟之身份設下鴻門宴,令到二人危機四伏。 An assassin turned the wedding banquet at the Jiang family into a slaughterhouse. Only Iris, the bride, manage to escape.Years later, Iris learnt that the assassin was hired by Hung, a landlord in Dragon City. Iris tried to offer Lee, the best known hired assassin, her body in exchange for Hung's live. Lee was unmoved. Lee saved Iris after her own unsuccessful attempt to kill Hung. Lee later agreed to kill Hung but request Iris to become his wife as a cover. In fact, he has already been hired by Wu, a rival landlord, for the job.Hung invited Lee and Iris, who claimed to have come to Dragon City to do business, to party at his mansion. Hung is suspicious of Lee and Iris true identity but has got no proof.Hung's son, a kind hearted person, was charmed by Iris beauty had invited her to stay with them. Hung celebrates the Lunar New Year with an opera party, Lee was asked to stay the night, Lee and Iris spend the night together and found themselves in love with each other. Lee decided to assassinate Hung on the occasion of the unveiling of the Grand Buddha which Hung would officiate. On the day of the ceremony, Hung had to go out of town on a last minute call from the Regional Governor and had to ask his son to officiate for him. Lee shot Hung's son instead of Hung. Iris was shocked by this twist of events. Wu decided to clear his name by turning in Iris to Hung as the "real" assassin.During Hung's son's funearl, Lee failed to free Iris from Hung and was instead captured by Hung. Instead of revenging on Lee and Iris, Hung released them both and even offer Iris to take his life to settle for the deeds he had committed to her family. Iris forgave Hung and retire peacefully with Lee in a small cottage deep in the hills.A feud between tow Chinese families plagued their descendants; yet each of them finally was able to release themselves from extreme hatred, thereby helping the other as well as themselves. ⚠️如需字幕請開啟CC字幕 Captions are available, you can change the default settings for captions. 張藝謀監製 吳倩蓮 口碑爆棚超絕演出|龍城正月 (Dragon Town Story)|吳倩蓮|尤勇|林威|劉洵|MULTISUB|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01|1997|龍城戀歌 Subscribe NOW➡️ https://www.youtube.com/@fortunestarmedia #8號電影院 #龍城正月 #吳倩蓮 #尤勇 #林威 #劉洵 #黃中秋 #高欣 #嚴敏求 #張喜前 #常汝言 #劉小蓉 #港產片 #香港電影 #亞洲電影 #線上看 #粵語 #中文字幕 #張藝謀 #FortuneStar #ChineseRomanticMovie #MostPopularHongKongMovie #LoveComedyDramaMovie #ChineseActionMovie #CantoneseFullMoviesHongKong #OldHongKongCantoneseMovies #FreeCantoneseMoviesOnYoutube #ChineseDramaEngSub #ChineseFantasyMovies 🔶🔶🔶🔶🔶 訂閱頻道 Subscribe NOW ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKiw9OKbQecHMy_K1JqxKeA?sub_confirmation=1 立刻加入會員 Join Membership ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKiw9OKbQecHMy_K1JqxKeA/join 使用蘋果手機或平板的觀眾,提供兩個方法加入成為會員: 1、用電腦進入8號電影院YouTube頻道,按「加入」。 2、複製上面加入會員連結,然後開啟「safari」瀏覽器,進入電腦版網站,按「加入」。 🔥🔥點擊到更多電影專區🔥🔥 梁朝偉 Tony Leung:https://reurl.cc/LWxgGx 周潤發 Chow Yun Fat:https://reurl.cc/VzZgd6 洪金寶 Sammo Hung:https://reurl.cc/p3b2kr 周星馳 Stephen Chow:https://reurl.cc/jW42AL 劉青雲 Sean Lau:https://reurl.cc/vab2YA 電視電影 Telemovie:https://reurl.cc/70ANxk 天使行動系列 - Iron Angels Collection:https://reurl.cc/WxYg25