Dr. John Harbo, Measuring and Retaining VSH for ALL BEEKEEPERS
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Based on what is now known about resistance to Varroa, John will present what he has found to be a practical approach to selective breeding for Varroa sensitive hygiene (VSH) when one does not have the resources of a research lab. He will describe what is necessary and what can be omitted; why he don’t measure mites on adult bees, don’t remove drone brood, and don’t actively select for more than one trait. He will explain heritability and why it is important to use proven methods to measure a trait. Although artificial insemination is a valuable tool in bee breeding, he will discuss how selection can include the significant power that nature provides in the free-mating competition among drones.
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Members receive annual access to premium content and 2023 Virtual Winter Conference Recordings featuring Dr. John Harbo, Dr. Jamie Ellis, Dr. David Peck, Dr. Robyn Underwood, Michael Bush, Nathalie B. Kim Flottum, Stephen Repasky, Adrian Quiney, and Les Crowder! SBGMI Members have access to content April 1, 2023 through https://sbgmi.org/michigan-beekeeping-winter-conference-2023
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