Doctor Chad finds a lawyer to help Lina and her mother, and the police arrest two loan sharks.
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Doctor Chad finds a lawyer to help Lina and her mother,and the police arrest two loan sharks. Lý Tiểu Lina .
Lina and her mother lament the debts and debts that Doctor. Chad helped pay. The doctor came to the mother and daughter's home to visit and meet Lina's mother and asked about the debts as well as some debts from loan sharks. Then the doctor asked his friend, a lawyer, to talk about Lina and her mother's high-interest loan. The lawyer advised the doctor to first go to the police station to report the debt. Lina came home from work without seeing her mother and was harmed by two loan sharks. At the same time, when Doctor. Chad and her mother returned, the police promptly arrived and arrested two loan sharks. Lý Tiểu Lina , Lý Tử Diệp , Lý Vy Ca , Lý Tiểu Nương , Lý Tử Tiêu . #lythica #lytieulina #lytieuca #lyhoaica