Do You Think You Could Rip a Transition-Era Skip Frye?
On paper, the latest “Shed Sessions” installment looked to be a recipe for success. A Skip Frye-shaped, JoJo Roper-repaired transition-era Gordon & Smith selected by “Shed Sessions” impresario and Bird’s Surf Shed owner Eric “Bird” Huffman and earmarked for SoCal stylemaster Devon Howard–what could go wrong?
While that’s surely an unimpeachable crew of San Diegans, Howard’s virgin San Clemente test-drive got off to a shaky start, the 8’3” x 23 ¼” craft causing the typically stoic stylemaster fits and leading him to call the vee-bottomed relic, “hands-down, the worst surfboard I’ve ever ridden in my life.”
Yet, if Howard’s surfing on the obscure vessel proved anything, it’s that his version of kooking it is an average surfer’s version of style and grace. Howard’s “Shed Sessions” also proves him a truly flexible thinker, one rearing for a challenge. With Huffman in tow, Howard visits Frye, hoping the man whose hands shaped the board will help Howard take control of its proverbial wheel. When asked for his thoughts on the board, Frye’s priceless answer reminds us why time spent in the bay with your local master craftsman is always time well spent.
Click play to watch Howard look pretty good riding a board he found pretty challenging.