Yaşadıkları dönemden günümüze etki eden büyük filozof ve bilim adamlarını sizler için derledik. Bu video birinci bölümdür. Bu yüzden bazı önemli kişiler bu videoda bulunmamaktadır.
Video Bölümleri:
00:00 - Friedrich Nietzsche / İnsan, Tanrı ve Felsefe
14:49 - Sigmund Freud ve Psikanaliz
24:27 - Rene Descartes ve Felsefesi
39:28 - Leonardo da Vinci / Bir Sanatçı ve Bilim Adamı
01:06:35 - Charles Darwin ve Evrim Teorisinin Ortaya Çıkışı
01:17:40 - Edison ve Tesla / Elektrik Savaşları
02:00:02 - J. J. Rousseau ve Toplum Sözleşmesi
02:09:51 - Adorno ve Kültür Endüstrisi
Videoda Kullanılan Müzikler:
Musics promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)
Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod | http://incompetech.com
The Invention Rooms by Savfk | https://www.youtube.com/savfkmusic
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Love Conquers by Scott Buckley | https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley
Into The Blue Sky by Keys of Moon | https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon
Adventure by Alexander Nakarada | https://www.serpentsoundstudios.com
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Wonders by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/
Dragonquest by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | https://creatorchords.com
Fantasy World by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/
Leaving For Valhalla by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | https://creatorchords.com
Main Theme (Overture) | The Grand Score by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | https://creatorchords.com
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Frost by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | https://creatorchords.com
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Chase by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | https://creatorchords.com
Mirage by Hayden Folker | https://soundcloud.com/hayden-folker
On Your Six by Arthur Vyncke | https://soundcloud.com/arthurvost
Passing Greetings by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | https://creatorchords.com
Epic Shield by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/
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Heroes by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/
Tension by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/
The Great Battle by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | https://creatorchords.com
Halloween Textures by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | https://creatorchords.com
Unsafe Roads by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | https://creatorchords.com
Smoke and Bone by Savfk | https://www.youtube.com/savfkmusic
Last Hero by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/
The Crown by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | https://creatorchords.com
The Aftermath by Savfk | https://www.youtube.com/savfkmusic
Dramatic Interlude by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | https://creatorchords.com
Myths by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/
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Wayfarer by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | https://creatorchords.com
Adventure Beyond by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | https://creatorchords.com
Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | https://creatorchords.com
The Invention Rooms by Savfk | https://www.youtube.com/savfkmusic
Prepare for War by FSCM Productions |https://fscmproductions.bandcamp.com
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