雲端音樂盒:《鬼湖戀》笛協奏曲 劉貞伶 曲/獨奏 江賜良/編 (Dizi Concerto: Love of Rhalupalingi.)

雲端音樂盒:《鬼湖戀》笛協奏曲 劉貞伶 曲/獨奏 江賜良/編 (Dizi Concerto: Love of Rhalupalingi.)

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雲端音樂盒:《鬼湖戀》笛協奏曲 劉貞伶 曲/獨奏 江賜良/編 (Dizi Concerto: Love of Rhalupalingi.)
《鬼湖戀》源自於臺灣原住民魯凱族流傳已久人蛇戀淒美的傳說,採用音色嘹亮G 調梆笛及神秘色彩E 調曲笛展現多層次情感,以古調《小鬼湖之戀》加以發揮,娓娓道來一段令人刻苦銘心的絕美愛戀。 2023臺灣國樂團《魂縈夢繫》音樂會 時間│2023.2.19(日)14:30 地點│國家音樂廳(臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號) ♪指 揮:江靖波 ♪ 笛 :劉貞伶 ♪演 出:臺灣國樂團 Dizi Concerto: Love of Rhalupalingi. Composed by Liu Chen-Ling Arranged by Simon Kong Su Leong Dalubaling (Princess Balenge) is a legendary tale that depicts the love story between human and snake. The song Dalubaling is based on this poignantly beautiful Rukai tribal legend. This concerto is played with the combination of Bangdi in orotund G as well as Qudi in the mysterious sounding E, to better capture the richly layered emotions, slowly revealing the heartfelt love story behind it all. ♪Conductor: Paul Ching-Po Chiang ♪Dizi: Liu Chen-Ling ♪Performance: National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan (NCO) #國立傳統藝術中心 #臺灣國樂團 #雲端音樂盒 #更多NCO好聲音→https://www.youtube.com/c/ncftanco