【DIY】半・自動カンナを作る/Homemade thickness planer
I am building my home by myself (half build).
Lumber is always a time-consuming part of woodworking.
I have had a lot of trouble trying to make the thickness of wood uniform with my hand plane.
I would be grateful if the planer I made could make future work as easy and accurate as possible.
MDF board is used as the main material for this planer. MDF board is a material with high dimensional stability, but depending on how it is used, some problems such as bending and twisting may occur. Therefore, I have made a mechanism that allows fine adjustment of tilt and angle in various places. Even if I adjust it carefully, an angle error of about + -0.2 ° will occur, so this degree is within the allowable range.
Due to the structure of the lift, if the connection angle of the members is acute (the position where the top plate is low), a very large force is required to raise the lift, and the load on each member is large. So as the range can be raised smoothly, It was set to 50 mm. Initially, I planned to use about 70mm, but due to a design change during production, the effective range of use has become narrower.
Improvement points :
I raised and lowered this platform with two pantograph jacks, but it seems that the platform tilts due to the pressure from above at a place about 1/4 of the end of the platform. The platform is very stable between the two pantograph jacks, so it seems better to install the jacks at the ends of the platform to increase the distance between the two, taking into account the deflection of the platform.
Also, changing the position of the stop block toward the center will solve the problem of inclination. However, the effective length of the platform will be shorter.
The cause of the problem was the sharpness of the blade of the hand planner. Later, when I sharpened this blade, the problem was improved.
Thank you for reading.
商品リンク/Amazon アソシエイト
Nynell デジタル角度計 https://amzn.to/3hOOBPw