Today's focus is that area of acceptable focus in a photograph we refer to as depth of field. While the first and easiest to control factor for DoF is our lens' aperture, there are several other elements that factor in:
Lens Focal Length
Apeture (F-Stop)
Distance to Subject
and Circle of Confusion *cue groaning noises*
Large format is known for it's *look", but there's more to it than ridiculously shallow depth of filed and swirly "BOKEH". What if you're trying to capture a landscape with deep depth of field? Fortunately, large format has a few extra tricks to help maximize your camera's DoF potential!
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Content by Mat Marrash:
#largeformat #filmphotography
00:00 Intro
00:53 Depth of Field
02:04 Enlargement
04:12 The LF "Look"
05:26 Lenses & Size
06:29 Movements & DoF
09:04 Thank You!
09:41 Wrap-Up