Our simple but sacred tradition of making a short trip into the Alaska backcountry in early May continues... While we're at it, we join some local Cub drivers on the Knik river bars, fly some Cessnas into the Alaska range, and seek out some new spots to play. Just like last time, kinda. It all felt familiar, while it was happening. Maybe because... 170s in the Wrangells?
Full narrative and story can be found at BackcountryPilot.org: https://backcountrypilot.org/features/category/featured-trip-reports/deja-vu-alaska
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Huge thanks to sponsors of this production:
Airframes Alaska: http://www.airframesalaska.com/
Manufacturers of Alaskan Bushwheels, wheels, brakes, Baby Bushwheel tailwheels, fuselages, and much more.
Pelican: http://www.pelican.com/
Manufacturers of tough and lightweight waterproof polymer cases for protecting just about anything.
To learn more about film support or advertising partnership, visit https://backcountrypilot.org/filmsupport