Decoding the Indian Tal - K.Ratnakaran
Ratnakaran Kantholi is one of the most colourful players of Indian chess. The way he sacrifices pieces is just unbelievable. More often than not he has no explanation for why a specific move or sacrifice was made. But in this video we try to decode the play of Indian Tal. Why does he sacrifice a piece, how does he feel the positions and what is his way of thinking.
Ratnakaran is a man of few words. He doesn't like being called the Indian Tal. Why insult Tal is what he says. But I think he is a genius and so do many other strong players.
Special thanks to Abhijeet Gupta for his guest appearance. It was so nice to see him analyze the game where he had lost against Ratna. It's a video of true chess lovers, for true chess lovers!
We hope that you will learn a lot from this 37 minutes. And if you do, then do not forget to share the video!