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Welcome to the Day 01 of the "40 Days of JavaScript". In today's session, we will get an Introduction to JavaScriopt, learn the basics of it, and set up both browser and server-side environments. We will learn various ways of including scripts and understand the optimization techniques of it.
Let's GO 🚀. Let's get started with it.
I have worked hard to provide you with the highest-quality content. Please subscribe to the channel to show your support. Also, could you like/comment on this video so that it reaches others?
Thanks! 🫶
0:00 - The 40 Days of JavaScript
02:54 - The Progress Tracker template
07:21 - JavaScript & It's History
12:59 - Environment Setup
15:04 - First Line of JS Code
23:43 - Include Script in the head tag
27:51 - Problem with including the script in the head tag
37:02 - Including script in the body tag
38:39 - The async attribute
43:51 - The defer attribute
46:01 - Running JavaScript on the Server side
47:45 - Task Assignments and What’s Next in Day 02?
## Join tapaScript Discord
- Join 40 Days of JavaScript Discord: https://discord.gg/ux9BchWEW3
## Download the 40 Days of JavaScript Tracker Template:
- Link to the template: https://topmate.io/tapasadhikary/382755
## Set up Links
- VS Code Download: https://code.visualstudio.com/
- Node.js Download: https://nodejs.org/en
## Source Code on GitHub
- https://github.com/tapascript/40-days-of-javascript (Please give the repo a STAR).
## Videos Mentioned:
- Learn VS Code Emmets:
- Best Way to Load JavaScript into HTML:
## 👋 Like my work? Thank You. You can support & sponsor me:
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## 🤝 My Links:
- Blog: https://blog.greenroots.info/
- Follow on X(Twitter): https://twitter.com/tapasadhikary
- Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tapasadhikary/
- Follow My Work on GitHub: https://github.com/atapas
- Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tapasadhi
## About Me:
Tapas Adhikary is an Educator at tapaScript, Tech enthusiast, Writer, YouTuber, and Open Source projects maintainer/contributor. He is a full-stack developer with vast experience in building SaaS solutions. He is the founder of the ReactPlay platform, which is driven by open-source projects and a fast-growing community.
You can find more about him at https://tapasadhikary.com.