Daring Faith: Learn What Happens When You Have Faith with Rick Warren
http://www.saddleback.com/daringfaith – Faith and miracles go hand-in-hand. Pastor Rick Warren kicks off this 10-week series with a message about what faith is. You’ll discover that faith may not be what you think. It’s not a desire, a feeling, or a way of pretending that something is what it’s not. Instead, faith is a way of seeing — a way of looking at things from God’s point of view. Learn five problems that result from seeing with eyes of fear and six benefits of seeing with eyes of faith. You’ll find that living by faith opens the door for miracles, shrinks your problems, turns your dreams into reality, and more.
Start a small group or join one for the Daring Faith series. Learn more here: http://www.saddleback.com/daringfaith
Watch the Daring Faith sermons with us LIVE Online and connect with our Online Campus: http://www.saddleback.com/online
(Daring Faith) (Rick Warren) (Faith) (Dare to have faith) (fear) (spiritual growth) (growing in faith) (eyes of faith) (miracles) (small group) (community) (better together) (living with faith) (saddleback church)