Daan Hansen
I mentioned Daan Hansen a few shows back, but I want to give him is own episode today.
Daan was an amazing spirit, intense fan of photography, a kind soul and an excellent photographer. I had the pleasure of knowing Daan and he was a fan of this show.
A great deal of Daan's work I did not see until after his death. Part of me is angry with myself for not exploring my friend further because Daan was good. He was intensely good.
Daan fits right into the contribution of well known Dutch photographers from Anton Corbijn and Rineke Dikstra. He's shows a nod to his own heritage, but embraced the communal aspects of the internet over the gallery. Those of us who's lives were touched by Daan are very lucky. I want to share Daan with the world in this podcast episode.
Special thanks to his sister Babet for sending me the book. I wanted to share the book with you all in this video. Its amazing.