I've said the words "cyberpunk", "dystopian", "society", and "sprawling" more than I ever need to say again in my life. 🤭
But seriously, I enjoyed exploring 2077 a bit more than I thought I would - which is typically the case with most media I cover. It's a shame I don't like FPS RGPs a bit more - I'm sure I would enjoy getting immersed within the Nighty City lifestyle otherwise.
Great fashion, style, and aesthetics; it was interesting researching what designer brands have parallels to Kitsch, Entropism, Neomilitarism , and Neokitsch. I'm surprised there aren't actual designer brand sponsored cosmetics in such a highly detailed and customizable game.
0:00:00 - Intro/Setup
0:01:58 - Key Context
0:09:16 - Style / Archetype Analysis
0:20:17 - NPC Outfits & Style
0:31:53 - Outro