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🕊Đồ mình dùng trong video:
Gương toàn thân tương tự: https://s.lazada.vn/l.UhxN
Khay bát sứ tương tự có quai cầm: https://s.lazada.vn/l.UkRq
Bộ dụng cụ bếp tương tự: https://s.lazada.vn/l.U7q3
Thảm hình quả trứng: https://shp.ee/ivg6up7
Tủ gỗ mây tương tự: https://shp.ee/2xwwr27
Robot hút bụi: https://s.lazada.vn/l.U3TR
Kệ treo quần áo thông minh tương tự: https://shp.ee/heryxe7
Giá phơi quần áo: https://shp.ee/w8t6hcj
Ngũ cốc cornflake tương tự: https://shp.ee/2my5wc7
Nồi chống dính vân đá tương tự: https://s.lazada.vn/l.U7qV
Khay bánh đế gỗ có nắp kính tương tự: https://s.lazada.vn/l.UhxM
Kệ bàn phong cách Hàn Quốc tương tự: https://shp.ee/g9cz377
🤖 music in this video:
Music by Brooks - Boop Boop - https://thmatc.co/?l=840293C5
Music by The Scalawag - Sleep Alone - https://thmatc.co/?l=2760032B
Music by Au Gres - do you think we're old enough - https://thmatc.co/?l=97CF2D29
Music by The Millennial Club - feel the same - https://thmatc.co/?l=05F8B935
Music by MOZART - Wait Out Here - https://thmatc.co/?l=D557E653
Music by Jennifer Chung - Until Your Heart Breaks - https://thmatc.co/?l=162753ED
Music by Cesar Tee - Why Do You Worry So Much? - https://thmatc.co/?l=73D2BE4F
Music by The Millennial Club - girls that ain't u - https://thmatc.co/?l=8A64FFDE