C.S. Lewis on Prayer
Enroll in this free course today by clicking here: https://online.hillsdale.edu/landing/c-s-lewis-on-christianity?utm_campaign=cs_lewis_christianity_oc&utm_source=youtube_oc&utm_medium=social&utm_content=on_prayer
Encounter the Faith and Wisdom of C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis’s writings bring the great questions of the Christian faith to life. Through his imaginative and invigorating style, Lewis answers these questions in ways that are compelling to those outside Christianity and energizing to those within the Christian faith.
In this free, seven-lecture course, Professor Michael Ward—a leading scholar of C.S. Lewis—will explore Lewis’s:
- argument for objective moral value in response to the rise of modern subjectivism;
- bittersweet path to conversion and the role of enjoyment in the Christian life;
advice regarding the proper way to pray and read the Bible;
- teachings concerning the purpose of pain and how to confront suffering and loss;
- insights about the nature of heaven and hell.
This course examines these fundamental topics through his classic works—including Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, and The Abolition of Man—and through Lewis’s personal experiences with doubt, conversion, suffering, grief, and joy. Through this course, students will discover Lewis’s core lessons regarding the truth and goodness of the Christian faith and how to apply those lessons to one’s life.
Join Professor Michael Ward and discover C.S. Lewis’s enduring lessons about the meaning and practice of Christianity today.
Enroll in this free online course on C.S. Lewis and Christianity today!