Cornwall This Fishing Life, Series 1, Episode 2
Cornwall: This Fishing Life ~ Series 1, Episode 2
A cracking portrayal of part of our industry we are fighting so hard to save.
All we can say to government & politicians is give us a chance.
Cornwall - indeed the whole of Britain - has some of the richest waters, some excellent fishermen & cracking communities.
Britain only receives 10% of Channel Cod, Whiting and Haddock quota among others, yet based on the predominance of catches in our waters it should be 60% when free of the CFP.
Then we will be no different to Norway, Iceland or Faroe - bestowed with complete, exclusive sovereign rights over all our waters and resources within our EEZ.
Fishing should thrive with taking back control, injecting huge wealth & the ability to husband our resources for generations to come.
This would give a huge adrenaline hit to coastal communities. Allowing them to proudly stand on their own two feet - preserving a unique way of life that we are close to losing in many areas.
Don't sell us out by surrendering Britain's fish a second time is all we ask for!