A conversation with my Greek friend Ioanna about the differences between ancient and modern Greek.
I narrate and illustrate the full Ancient Greek text we read here:
And you can explore it independently here: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0167%3Abook%3D7%3Asection%3D514a
Learn about Ancient Greek accents here:
---- TIMESTAMPS ----
00:00 Intro: Who is Ioanna?
01:10 Learning Ancient Greek in Greece
02:00 Is it Normal to Learn Ancient Greek in Greece?
03:02 Remarks on Ancient Greek and Modern Greek
03:45 Reading Ancient Greek With Erasmian Pronunciation
05:52 Reading Ancient Greek With Modern Greek Pronunciation
07:22 Discussion of the Differences Between Both Pronunciations
08:00 Discussion: The Erasmian Pronunciation
12:38 Phonetical Differences Between Ancient and Modern Greek
18:34 Ioanna's Tips for Learners of Greek
20:15 Wrap Up