Robert Thiesing arrived in Vietnam in 1969 and joined the 334th Assault Aviation Company as a Cobra pilot. He would fly various combat missions over the ensuing twelve months, before extending his tour in 1970. After completing his military obligations, Thiesing was discharged from the Army in 1971.
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0:00 - Training For War
2:15 - Off to Vietnam
4:23 - Nearly Shot Down
6:33 - Combat Missions
9:38 - Extending
13:47 - Leaving Vietnam
15:52 - Discharged
Welcome to the largest YouTube channel exclusively dedicated to the Vietnam War. We strive to build a better future by learning from the past. All participants – and their military citations – have been vetted. For the sake of privacy, we do not share veteran contact information.
Do you know a Vietnam veteran, survivor or witness that should be interviewed? Do you have rare footage or audio from the war? Would you like to submit an interview for the channel? Send us an email at the address below.
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