Home Cooked Claypot Chicken Rice is one very commonly found comfort food for many inlucing Ah Pa. At the restaurant or stalls, the chefs will cook the rice and meat all inside the same claypot from scratched. This method can be very challenging for many home cooks, as either the rice is cooked, but the chicken is not yet fully cooked, or the rice is burnt when the chicken is fully cooked. Therefore, Ah Pa always cook the rice and chicken separately, then combine them together in a pot after that. If you wanted some charred rice at the bottom, you can still achieve that by heating up the pot for few more minutes on stove.
2 cups of rice (water ratio is
2 chicken thighs
1 shiitake mushroom (soaked and sliced)
1 Chinese sausage, lap cheong (thinly sliced diagonally and pan-fry in advance)
1 tablespoon of chopped garlic
1 tablespoon of chopped ginger
Some vegetables
Marinade for Chicken and Mushroom:
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
Few drops of sesame oil
Few dashes of white pepper
1 round of light soya sauce
½ cap of shaoxing cooking wine
1 cap of Shaoxing cooking wine
1 round of dark soya sauce (for colours)
Pinch of salt
Pinch of sugar
For those who is interested to buy the burned art wood ladle or platform, here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/snailcstudio
**Purchase links for sauce and kitchenware:
Lee Kum Kee Vegetarian Oyster Sauce
Lazada’s link: https://c.lazada.com.my/t/c.YUyhjG?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lazada.com.my%2Fproducts%2Flee-kum-kee-vegetarian-oyster-flavoured-sauce-510g-i1271740549-s3838702947.html&sub_aff_id=LeeKumKee_VegetarianOysterSauce
Or Shopee’s link: https://shp.ee/6kqunrq
Orchid Brand light soya sauce, this light soya sauce really taste different than normal ones, try it and u will know why i like it so much. Just click here to buy or for more details
Lazada's link: https://c.lazada.com.my/t/c.IpZh0?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lazada.com.my%2Fproducts%2Forchid-brand-soy-sauce-cap-orkid-kicap-premium-750ml-i959760694-s2462052984.html&sub_aff_id=SOYSAUCECAPORKIDKICAP%28PREMIUM%29-001
Or Shopee’s link: https://shp.ee/q46327n
Some say their Dark Soya Sauce is abit bitter, some say it’s not dark enough to give the dark camerised colour. Anyway, this is what Ah Pa is using right now, u may click on the link to find out more or to buy online.
Ladada’s link: https://c.lazada.com.my/t/c.Y50SeK?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lazada.com.my%2Fproducts%2Fapple-brand-golden-dark-soya-sauce-800ml-x2-i900762947-s2230382130.html&sub_aff_id=Apple+Dark+Soya+Sauce
Or Shopee’s link: https://shp.ee/nuyvbe2
Shaoxing Cooking Wine
Lazada's link: https://c.lazada.com.my/t/c.YUzZW3?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lazada.com.my%2Fproducts%2Fgourmet-cooking-shao-xing-hua-diao-chiew-i488872938-s853588092.html&sub_aff_id=ShaoHsingCookingWine
Or Shopee's link https://shp.ee/3zm2i93
Himalayan Rock Salt
Lazada’s link: https://c.lazada.com.my/t/c.Y5apNd?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lazada.com.my%2Fproducts%2Fnature-quest-himalayan-rock-salt-fine-500gm-i510164409-s968916020.html&sub_aff_id=Nature+Quest+Himalayan+Rock+Salt
Or Shopee’s link: https://shp.ee/5tafy9m
SENZ SZ-RI230i 2 in 1 Smart Cooker
Lazada’s link: https://c.lazada.com.my/t/c.Y5ZJoW?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lazada.com.my%2Fproducts%2Fsenz-sz-ri230i-2-in-1-smart-cooker-i555982487-s1105616879.html&sub_aff_id=Senz+SZ-RI230i+Smart+Cooker
Or Shopee’s link: https://shp.ee/62m3c9z
**Cooking Ah Pa has affiliate partnerships and may earn commission on products purchased through affiliate links. These partnerships do not influence our editorial content.