Chef Hotel Mengajari Saya Cara Membuat Bubur Semewah ini ....
100 gr tepung beras (10 sdm))
1 liter air
3 lbr daun pandan
1 sdt garam
200 ml santan kental kemasan
saus gula:
250 gr gula merah
500 ml air
3 lbr daun pandan
1 sdm tepung beras + 50 ml air (tidak wajib)
selamat mencoba 😍
Marrow porridge
100 g rice flour (10 spoonful)
3 l water
3 sheets of pandan leaves
1 teaspoon of salt
200 ml strong coconut milk
Sugar sausage:
250 g palm sugar
500 ml water
3 sheets of pandan leaves
3 spoonful of rice flour + 50 ml water (not obligatory)
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