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Blah Blah Self Plug Self Plug:
Thumbnail Background was made by Gasone, augmented with CarbotAnimations zerglings.
0:00 - Intro and Among the Ruins
1:18 - Egression
2:05 - The New Dominion
4:42 - Secret Agent of the Swarm
5:59 - The Amerigo
6:32 - The Dank Templar
8:02 - The Culling of Stratholme
10:36 - Eye for an Eye
10:57 - The Invasion of Aiur
12:09 - π r^2
13:06 - Vile Disruption
14:08 - Reign of Chaos
15:28 - Kel'Morian Combine
18:06 - The Liberation of Korhal
19:08 - True Colors
22:04 - Furry of the Swarm
23:08 - Drawing of the Web
24:06 - To Slay the Beast
29:29- The Reckoning, but not the one at the end of Heart of the Swarm. This is a different reckoning that also happens to be about Kerrigan at the end of a campaign. Frankly it's a little weird that they couldn't even come up with another mission name. Doesn't it sort of ruin the drama of what Kerrigan forces Zeratul to do when they rip this mission name out and give it to the HotS climax instead as if they couldn't just whip out a thesaurus to come up with an alternative name? It's silly I tell ya'
31:07 - Omega