Can Narcissists Be LOYAL? (Loyalty vs. Fidelity)
Loyalty is a commitment to place the interest of another above one’s self-interest. It is mildly self-sacrificial.
Loyalty is a crucial element in the most significant intimate relationships, such as marriage or friendship or group affiliation. Loyalty, therefore, requires intimacy.
Loyalty is both a state of mind and a behavioral pattern. It is not entirely there until it has been tested.
Loyalty to values and collectives is identical to loyalty to individuals - only multiplied.
Fidelity is an ambiguous word. It has many meanings. Broadly, it means truthfulness, authenticity. Faithful, authentic, genuine, truthful, or even trustworthy.
Loyalty can drive you to lie in order to protect the person you are loyal to, for example.
Loyalty is an either/or proposition. No compromise.
As long as such loyalty yields an uninterrupted flow of high-quality narcissistic supply, yes. It is a form of explicitly transactional loyalty.
A narcissist would sacrifice his life only if he has no other choice and then only if it guarantees posthumous narcissistic supply.
Any relationship that calls for major sacrifices of essential aspects of wellbeing, identity, or existence is unhealthy.
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