HOUR 1: Jimmy Akin - Open Forum
HOUR 2: Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers - Sharing the Good News!
More Catholic Apologetics: https://catholic.com
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:08 - We will Begin Shortly
00:06:22 - If God gives us free will while he doesn’t give us the option to opt out of heaven and hell?
00:17:50 - Mt
5:28 Does this apply to us thinking about any sin and not just lust?
00:24:31 - How can a person know he is going to heaven?
00:30:27 - Can you speak about numerology or angel numbers? Is it from God or from the devil?
00:34:10 - What does presbyteros mean? Does it have a different meaning in the Tanakh?
00:46:26 - Does God not annihilate us because He makes us in His images?
00:49:36 - If God loves everyone does this also mean He loves Satan and his followers?
00:53:35 - Is it possible that we are actually living in hell right now?
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00:56:08 - 5-minute break
01:01:08 - Welcome back!
01:11:48 - What can we do to teach apologetics in our schools?
01:21:56 - What ways can Catholics and other Christians work together to evangelize?
01:30:26 - We should remember that Catholic schools are just the beginning of faith formation. It’s a lifelong learning process of learning faith.
01:38:04 - How does one evangelize one’s own family?