Here is another birdhouse job we did during Memphis Monday #3 Fixing a bird feeder/birdhouse.
This is a five nesting box condo design I found on the internet. My MO when I copy a design is to attempt to be true to the designer; I try to copy things closely, leaving my "creativity" at the door. If I want to be creative, then I should design my own birdhouse, and not inflict my "ideas" on somebody else's work.
That being said, I know my copy is not perfect, as I didn't have plans or dimensions; the picture wasn't clear enough to make out fasteners; I couldn't figure exactly the slope of the roof, etc. I put the birdhouse together with cedar and coated deck screws. I've had good luck with coated deck screws, and I'm guessing the coating will keep the screws from reacting with the cedar. Very little glue was used, as I only used glue at the peak of the roof, and to hold in the perches. Incidentally, many birdhouse builders don't install perches, as perches tend to help predators more than the birds.
Finally, the birdhouse is finished in cedar oil and spar varnish