How to build a realistic, snowy, winter, miniature log cabin scale model diorama from balsa wood and XPS foam. This architectural scale model is built in 1/24 scale.
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US Frontier Miniatures: @usfrontierminiatures9037
Luke Towan: @BoulderCreekRailroad
Boomer Diorama: @boomerdiorama
Night Shift: @NightShiftScaleModels
Check out Some of My Tutorials Mentioned in this Video:
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In this tutorial, I show you how to build an architectural scale model from balsa wood and basswood strips. I cover several DIY techniques for creating the Ultimate, Realistic Diorama. You can apply these techniques to anything that you're working on, such as dioramas, scale models, model railway scenery, model railroad layouts, wargaming terrain, warhammer 40k, d&d scenery, tabeltop gaming, action figure displays, dollhouse accessories, fantasy dioramas and whatever else comes to mind.
I show you how to make a model house from scratch that looks hyper realistic, just using some miniature, strip basswood, balsa wood, and foam board you can buy from the hobby and crafts store! I take you though every step of building a winter log cabin, making logs from balsa wood, making a roof structure and a rusty metal tin roof from styrene plastic sheets and strips, adding a miniature glass double hung windows, making a miniature brick or stone chimney from XPS foam, Painting and weathering everything, adding 3D chairs, windows, and and accessories, and adding model railway scenery like dirt, terrain, ground cover, rocks, snow and much more!
0:00 Intro
0:33 How to Make Miniature Walls from Foam Core Board
1:09 Make a Log Cabin from Balsa Wood
2:52 How to Weather Balsa Wood
3:55 How to Make Miniature Windows
6:06 Model Board and Batten
7:36 Seal a Wooden Model
7:56 How to Stain Balsa Wood with Acrylic Paint
8:52 Log Cabin Daubing
10:33 Make a Miniature Porch
12:05 Make Realistic Stone from Styrofoam
13:19 How to Paint Miniature Stone
16:22 Assembling Details and Accessories
17:45 Make and Old Wooden Fence
19:47 How to Model Dirt for Dioramas
21:21 How to Make Static Grass Tufts
22:24 How to Apply Static Grass
23:42 How to Paint Miniature Grass
25:17 Model a Rusty Metal Roof
28:43 How to Add Snow to Dioramas
31:43 Resin 3D Printed Miniatures
32:22 Final Result!
32:41 Patreon
"Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio"
Song List:
1. Saturna
2. New Beginnings
3. Lucid Dream
4. Fantasy
5. Nightscapes
6. Distance
7. Edge of Tomorrow
8. Replicant Hunter
9. Home