As Promised, 433Mhz QFH #build . In this video we take a look at #howto #build a #QFH antenna for the @tinygs and @SatnogsOrgProject #communities, this #433mhz band antenna is a custom dielectrically loaded antenna which is the reason for its size reduction. this is a wanted attribute since some opperators do not have to option to install large antenna's outside the homes.
So if you are looking for the #perfect #qfh #Antenna to #track #cubesat #weathersats or any 433Mhz eqiupment this is the correct project for you.
This is the first in a series of antenna's aimed at the Satellite tracking community and will be a work in progress untill the prefect option is found.
Files are made available on thingverse.
Amazon links
1) Coax RG316
2) SMA Connectors and Crimper
3) Copper Tubing
Files and Calculators
1) ThingVerse STL Files
2) QFH Calculator used
Community to track Satellites