Bp. Sanborn: St. Pius X's Defining Encyclical - Pascendi Dominici Gregis (Part 1)
In this first episode on Pascendi Dominici Gregis of Pope St Pius X, His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn joins us to provide a commentary on this most significant of Papal encyclicals.
Written to expose and condemn the doctrines of the modernists at the start of the 20th century, this encyclical is the defining document of this great Pope Saint’s life and perhaps the most important document to have proceeded from the Vatican in hundreds of years. It served as an alarm call and a condemnation of those most pernicious adversaries of the Church who seek to utterly overthrow Christianity itself.
This show is the first of a total of 3 shows to be recorded on Pascendi. There is much more to follow.
Join host Matthew Gaskin and His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida on this episode of Popes Against the Modern Errors.
A special note of thanks to Nicholas Wilton for allowing us the use his music for this series. You can find out more about Mr. Wilton and his beautiful compositions here: https://www.fourmarksmusic.com/nicholas-wilton
Episode Notes:
For Pope St Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis, click here: http://www.papalencyclicals.net/Pius10/p10pasce.htm
If you wish to purchase the book to follow along with the program, it may be purchased here: https://truerestoration.org/press/the-popes-against-modern-errors-16-papal-documents/
Original Air Date: November 4, 2015
Show Run Time: 1 hour 48 minutes
Show Guest(s): Bishop Donald Sanborn
Show Host(s): Matthew Gaskin
Season 4 Sponsor: http://www.novusordowatch.org/
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