BobBlast 220 "Best of BobBlast - Working with Color!"
In this Best of BobBlast, I am demonstrating 4 steps in making a painting, using my Goof-Proof Color Wheel.
There are many different ways to begin creating a painting. There is no “one right way.” This one works for me! I begin to paint, only after journaling and writing down my goals and painting intentions for the day in my sketchbook. Usually I paint in a series, a theme… and title each piece first. The title keeps me focused toward my painting goal.
Step One - Determine your color combination and tone the surface with your dominant color. Goof around with variations of that one dominant color.
Next - with the design composition in mind, add the focal point color and finally, two spice colors to augment and support your focal point. And I haven’t even mentioned the subject matter yet!
Start off abstractly with very loose, wet colors. Let dry while continuing on to your next painting in the series.
Step Two - The second color is my Focal Point color. The Focal Point is usually the reason I wanted to paint this image in the first place.
Step Three - Close to the focal point color, I add the two Spice Colors.
Just a small amount of each.
So far, at this point the painting is still loose and abstract - It's like all the elements are in place. Now, while the surface is still wet and before the paint dries, I begin to paint the painting. Again, this technique is only one approach among many others. This one works for me.
Step Four - Finish Your Loose Beginning
The loose, wet beginning of the initial color combination and design composition is now ready to turn into the painting image I had sketched and planned from the beginning of this process of making a painting.
As I like to say, “Decide what you want first... then make it happen.”