Biostatistics are the development and application of statistical methods to a wide range of topics in biology. It encompasses the design of biological experiments, the collection and analysis of data from those experiments and the interpretation of the results.
The following topics of #biostatistics have been discussed in this course
⭐️ Table of Content ⭐️
0:00 Module 1 - Introduction to Statistics
29:13 Module 2 - Describing Data: Shape
45:44 Module 3 - Describing Data: Central Tendency
1:03:34 Module 4 - Describing Data: Variability
1:34:51 Module 5 - Describing Data: Z-scores
1:43:25 Module 6 - Probability (part I)
2:09:21 Module 6 - Probability (part II)
2:26:22 Module 7 - Distribution of Sample Means
2:41:24 Module 9 - Estimation & Confidence Intervals & Effect Size
2:56:59 Module 10 - Misleading with Statistics
3:17:43 Module 11 - Biostatistics in Medical Decision-making
4:13:36 Module 11b - Biostatistics in Medical Decision-Making: Clinical Application
4:56:51 Module 12 - Biostatistics in Epidemiology
5:05:16 Module 13 - Asking Questions: Research Study Design
5:10:15 Module 14 - Bias & Confounders
5:39:20 Module 16 - Correlation & Regression
6:06:19 Module 17 - Non-parametric Tests
⭐️ Credit⭐
Creator: Quinnipiac University: Health Professions Biostatistics
License: Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)
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