Welcome and thank you for watching my 50th episode of beginner beekeeping Questions and Answers. This information is targeted and scaled for the backyard hobbyist beekeeper.
The topics discussed in this video are as follows:
1) Is there a formula for planning how much honey a colony of bees will require to get through a winter?
2) Please share when you remove old comb and how you recycle a plastic frame so it can be reintroduced, or disposed of.
Electric power washer that connects to your hose: https://amzn.to/2ujLZ9N
3) Could you provide an update on the slatted racks? Would it produce enough benefit on the FlowHive to spend the money, or build it myself?
4) Why to Queen Bees have different colored dots on them? Do I have to put one on if she doesn't have one?
Queen Bee Marking Kit: https://amzn.to/31CkwfB
5) What gear do I need to harvest honey as a first year beekeeper?
2 or 4 frame hand crank honey spinner: https://amzn.to/2SndqY8
6) Why does one bee colony seem to have all the honey they need when others need sugar feeding?
7) I took apart my first dead colony. No signs of disease, beetles or foreign intruders. No capped brood, few cells of pollen, all honey consumed, no dead drones and no sign of the queen. They didn't utilize any of the granulated sugar. Hundreds of bees were found fully covered face first in the cells. Is there enough to surmise their demise?
8) What is your favorite smoker and do you have an electric smoker? Do you like them?
I don't recommend them, but if you really want an electric smoker: https://amzn.to/3bqAbDp
Flow-Smoker with separate burn-basket and spark arrester. https://amzn.to/2S867oi
9) Do you plan to test Apimaye Bee Hives? What's your opinion?
Here's Kaymon Reynolds: I recommend that you follow his progress:
10) How does a person know what type of honey it is? Follow the bees? Asking them?
11) When a swarm takes off who leads the charge? And who decides where they will gather?
Dive DEEP, I recommend Thom Seeley's book, the Honeybee Democracy: https://amzn.to/31CyzC0
12) I am assembling the various hive components I will need in spring. What is the purpose of the inner cover?
13) I live in South Dakota, is it possible to feed both sugar syrup and pollen patties in late spring?
Ultra-Bee Pollen Patties are EXCELLENT: https://amzn.to/2OBMTFf
What do FlowHives Cost? Find REAL FlowHives here:(50 dollar discount link) https://mbsy.co/hpFB2
AU - https://mbsy.co/zSDf9
EU - https://mbsy.co/zSDbm
Thank YOU for watching! If you're interested in any of my TeeSpring "The Way To Bee" designs, here they are: https://teespring.com/stores/freds-fine-products
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