Beginner Beekeeping Q and A Tech Pollinator Drones to Moving Hives
Backyard Beekeeping Questions and Answers Session. The Shortest Day of the Year! (Saturday)
Welcome beginning beekeepers, here are the topics discussed in this video:
1) When is it a good time to move beehives, what if I don't want to move them miles as many say to do. Is winter a good time for that"
2) If you have Weaver bees and your queen swarms, have you noticed a drop off in varroa resistance with the newly mated queen being that she will mix with local drones?
3) Venting! In the deep south where it's hot, would it be ok to add an upper vent and would 9 frames instead of 10 in medium supers help ventilate the hive? Does a gabled roof offer more venting than a flat?
4) How do you determine when it's the right time to remove old honeycomb?
5) Hoe did you become interested in beekeeping?
6) I heard a speaker say that bees only have a 3 day memory. Should I close up a hive for three days before moving it so the bees will relocate themselves? With winter here and the bees clustering, is winter a good time to move or would the jostling that will occur be harmful in making the bees break cluster?
7) With plenty of wild bees on my 2,500 acre farm, If I set up a flowhive near the wild colonies, what are the chances of a swarm moving in if I use something like Swarm Commander. Would it be better to use a dedicated swarm trap?
8) If the bees make all this honey, they must do it because they need it. Then we come along and take it, doesn't that leave the bees short?
9) What are your thoughts on drone pollination services. Can they really pollinate the way bees do?
10) I'm surprised that you treated your hives this year for varroa, why did you make that decision and how does oxalic acid kill mites?
11) Can I just paint my hives interior with propolis, since it's so beneficial to the bees? Thoughts?
12) The temperatures are mid 20's F at night and 40 as a high in the daytime. Yellow Jackets are still flying and some try to go in my beehives. Do they cluster like bees do? I'm considering putting traps out!
Thank you all for submitting your questions! Reverence links to products mentioned in today's video are below:
American Bee Journal Subscription:
Swarm Commander Bee Swarm Lure:
Honey Bee Documentaries I recommend:
Oxalic Acid Vaporizer that I use:
What do FlowHives Cost? Find REAL FlowHives here:(50 dollar discount link)
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