| Tracklist
00:00]恐怖の汁物Soup of Terror
02:25]鬼母の訓 Ogre Mother's Lessons
07:06] 骸骨の骨味噌汁 Skeleton Bone Miso Soup
09:14]骸骨の骨粉スープ Skeleton Bone Powder Soup
10:58]悪霊の血染めスープ Blood-Stained Soup of the Evil Spirit
12:30]地獄の主菜 Hellish Main Course
14:56]闇の腸刺身盛り Assorted Intestine Sashimi of Darkness
16:54]鬼祖父の知恵 Wisdom of the Demon Grandfather
19:37]鬼兄の野望 Demon Brother's Ambition
21:53] 妖魔の脳漬け Pickled Yokai Brain**
23:39] 温暖の家Warm Home