Welcome to another episode of backyard beekeeping topics.
Don't forget to watch the extra discussion at the end, some valuable tips that are appropriate for spring.
Want so submit your own topic for consideration? Click here:
LISTEN while you work, all of these episodes are available as a PodCast:
Want to share information with other backyard beekeepers, or have a question that just can't wait? Please join The Way To Bee Facebook group:
Today's topics are listed below:
1) I have a long land and didn't relocate or reduce the brood area. Can you talk about hive management for the long lang hive?
2) Since you've started using double bubble insulation, have you changed the way you build your insulated covers using the BeeSmart Designs insulated Inner Cover?
This is the insulation material I'm currently using in most of my hives, and in my Way To Bee Building: https://amzn.to/3SfS6T2
This is an affiliate link, I may earn from qualifying purchases.
3) Three out of my four hives are still alive and doing well. I keep hearing that I need to rotate my boxes in March to keep them from swarming. I am thinking of leaving them as is and monitoring them closely. What are your thoughts?
Take a Deeper Dive - restricting ventilation may negatively impact varroa destructor mite reproduction. https://academic.oup.com/jee/article/108/5/2153/2379665
4) Is eco-wood still holding up for you? Also, will the bees still propolize interior surfaces if treated with Eco-Wood.
This is my Eco-Wood Video:
5) I have headless bees outside my hive! They appear to be dry, and only a shell of a bee. Is this the work of a shrew? What are your thoughts on this?
This is my Shrew Video:
6) I'm trying to learn more about trees in my area (90 miles north of St. Louis). Is there something you would recommend as a "must read"?
Well, I don't have a "must read" when it comes to trees, but I do have a Must See! :
7) Here in Ireland there is a majority of bee keepers that are strictly AMM Black Bees "Native". What are your views on Ireland banning non native bees to stop genetic mixing?
TODAY'S SHOUT-OUT, please watch this video regarding habitat loss and farming practices in Ireland: (please tell them I said hello!)
That's it for today!
If you want to volunteer time or resources to a worthy cause, please consider: https://www.hivesforheroes.com/
Please keep fondant on your hives, this is crunch time for many areas in the U.S. and I'd hate to have you lose a colony to starvation:
REQUEST FOR STICKERS - I just posted these "Way To Bee" Stickers on February 19th because a viewer requested them. Here you go - https://freds-fine-products.creator-spring.com/listing/new-the-way-to-bee-sticker