Welcome to another episode of backyard beekeeping topics.
Today, many of the topics are related to preparing for winter and dealing with robbing behavior as well as how/when to move a hive to a new location in the same apiary.
You may post your own topic for consideration by filling out a form here:
All of the Question and Answer videos are available as a podcast on Podbean:
Thank you for spending your valuable time here today.
1) What time of day is the best time to move a hive, I need to move my hive 10 feet.
This cart will hold 1,400 lbs and can be pulled behind your tractor. the sides fold down and you can use it when pulling supers. Hoses off easily.
https://amzn.to/3UtHJLk (Gorilla Cart)
2) I would like to put Hive Alive fondant on my Long Langstroth Hive, where would be the best place to put it?
The videos on this page will show how I've configured the feeder cover boards. https://www.fredsfinefowl.com/printsforyou.html
For those wanting to know more about Hive Alive, and listen to an interview with the company owner: https://www.fredsfinefowl.com/hivealiveworks.html
3) I'm feeding my bees every other day. I'm a little confused about when to feed, and the bees are going to my neighbor's hummingbird feeder.
This style of hummingbird feeder allows you to keep the nectar low enough that it's out of reach for honey bees while remaining accessible to hummingbirds. https://amzn.to/3T84xPB
4) Question regarding how robbing bees may kill the queen and lead the resident bees away. Apologies, I don't think I responded to this question.
5) There are many ways to convert feed efficiency in chickens, cattle, and insects. For example, 2 lbs. of feed to get 1 lb. of poultry meat. The question is about how bees stack resources to get their bee fat ratios up before winter.
I mentioned my favorite free-range breed in this response. They are Minorcas. If you'd like to source your own right here in the U.S. here is a Rare Breed Hatchery I recommend: https://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/black_minorcas.html
6) What can you do once robbing starts? If Dawn Dish soap killed all the bees, wouldn't that be enough for mites too?
Dawn Ultra Free and Clear: This is the Dawn that I recommend: https://amzn.to/3NDajY5
Thank YOU to Hillbilly Bee Keeping for mentioning my channel :)
https://youtu.be/G-NA2G3QEAI I was flattered by his endorsement :)
Thank YOU to Randy M. 628DirtRooster also for mentioning me in his video:
I forgot to mention that a Hive Gate can also help with robbing:
Links with AMZN in them may earn money for me if it's a qualifying purchase. Thank you for your kind support.
The bee feeders/drinkers that were shown in the opening sequence can be found here:
https://lifelinebees.com/ Please tell them Frederick Dunn sent you :)
The ENTIRE Beekeeping Question and Answer Playlist is here:
QUESTIONS ABOUT RAISING CHICKENS? Many of you contacted me after this bee video was posted, and inquired about chicken videos. My 3-hour guide to rearing chickens is available, complete, and FREE right here on YouTube -
https://youtu.be/msko6-fbLoE (It took me 7 months to create this video).
Questions about my favorite Free Range Breed today have also come up, so I will be posting a video specifically about the Minorca Breed very soon! Please watch for that, and thank you for the chicken-related questions. I'm happy to provide information that may be helpful.