In this episode, I discuss backyard beekeeping topics based on your questions! All relevant to small-scale backyard beekeeping.
If you wish to submit your own question for consideration, please comment below in the comments section of this video, or, please visit Fred's Fine Fowl and Honey Bees by following this link:
You are also invited to join the discussion on our Facebook Page:
Questions addressed in this video are in order below:
1) Better Comb is missing its center section after melting/drooping. Held in place with toothpicks, bees removed parts.
This wire-your-own BetterComb kit will be complete and in stock by July 31, 2020 - At Better Bee
2) What Birds are eating my honey bees? Are my bees in danger of becoming a bird's meal?
3) I was wondering if you use Vivaldi Boards? (five viewers asked the same question) Are Vivaldi Boards worth it for backyard beekeepers? Curious about your thoughts?
Here is my video showing the feeder shim I use:
4) Could you please discuss the Hogg Half Comb Kit being sold at BetterBee?
5) Is it a good time to put a swarm trap out? I live in Mass, near a flower field and apple orchard.
Swarm Trooper is a ready made trap for bees:
6) The Honey Bees weren't working a Flow-Super, removed the queen excluder and now have some eggs/brood in the flow-frames. What to do now, is there a health issue with using the frames after brood?
7) Planning for winter, what do you think about putting hives in shaded locations where they won't receive direct sunlight. Thinking of wrapping them in a drum heater. I live in zone 6 along the Great Lakes.
8) I have to combine a laying worker colony with another strong colony that is queen-rite. I'd like to use the newspaper method you demonstrated, is this a good idea with a laying worker?
My demonstration of this method is here:
9) I've installed two packages of bees. How long should I wait before inspecting them? When are temps ok in winter for hive inspections?
10) Why are you using an oxalic acid fogger instead of the shop-towel method? Fogger seems so much more dangerous.
This is my method and logic with vaporization:
IF you're thinking about a flowhive, please consider using this discount link:
FlowHive at a $50.00 discount:
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Thank you for watching and I hope to see you all here next week!
Enjoy your honey bees!