Thank you for joining us for another Friday Question and Answer Session!
If you have beginner questions relevant to backyard honey bee keeping and management, please post down in the comment section below.
Below are some links to other videos and information you may find helpful:
Pre-Drawn Comb can help your bees expand faster, particularly if it's a swarm, or small split, or nucleus colony. Learn more about those frames here:
See how I use BetterComb here:
If you have questions as to honey water percentages, use a refractometer to be sure your honey won't spoil in storage:
Essential Oils don't have to be kept in special storage, you may not need them at all, depending on what you want to use them for:
Sanitizing Parameters: We know that sustained temps above 120 f can kill nosema spores.
(REFERENCE) " nosema disease - naldc - › download › CAT87201459
Nosema ... spores readily are destroyed by moist heat (135° F for 10 min), live steam."
Steam has a temperature of 212 f, 100 centigrade
Steam cleaning is known to kill 99.9 percent of germs, bacteria and viruses.
Curious? Read more about steam and how it can be used here:
A minimum sanitizing temp must be 175 deg. f
Plastic frames may melt at greater than 400 degrees f or 255 Celsius
Bees Wax melts from 144-147 f, or 62-64 Celsius
Horizontal Long Langstroth Hive Evaluation:
What do FlowHives Cost? Find REAL FlowHives here:(50 dollar discount link)
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Visit my website and fill out a question form:
Thank you for watching and have a great weekend!