Back to Basics: Lambdas - Nicolai Josuttis - CppCon 2021
Lambdas, introduced with C++11, are used everywhere in modern C++ programming. While their use looks pretty straightforward, you should know about some details that help you to benefit from their full power.
This session teaches lambdas in detail. Based on the basic principles, it motivates and explains why lambdas are more powerful than functions and how to use them to benefit from that.
Nicolai Josuttis
Nicolai Josuttis ( is well known in the programming community because he not only speaks and writes with authority (being the (co-)author of the world-wide best sellers The C++ Standard Library (, C++ Templates (, C++17 - The Complete Guide (, C++ Move Semantics - The Complete Guide (, and SOA in Practice), but is also an innovative presenter, having talked at various conferences and events.
He has been an active member of the C++ standards committee for more than 20 years.
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